Made available at specially selected events to raise funds, for encouraging creativity for young children of Bali.
LagiLagi is a simple initiative, as a direct response of our love of design, making, creating awareness about Mother Earth and our environment, as well as our way of giving back to Bali.
LagiLagi is initiated and lovingly made by CushCush.
We are excited to launch LagiLagi objects at Pasar-Pasaran Sunset Crafters this coming Sunday.
Thank you Pasar-Pasaran and Kerdus Ubud for your support.
See you there!
EXPLORE is a medium in which we share our exploration of ideas and concepts through to their materialisation of unique products and materials. Through this medium, we would like to promote an exchange of ideas with you and actively pursue creative design together!
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ABOUT CushCush
CushCush began from the idea of making unique things with unique materials. Headed by an architect and an interior designer who have worked in design-based architecture and interior design firms in Australia, Singapore and Malaysia, CushCush combines exceptional interior styling, furniture design and accessories expertise with excellent high quality manufacturing services. We specialize in Rare Inlay materials, Custom Furniture & Accessories, Artwork & Objects, Custom Lighting and Interior Styling.